Thursday 20 January 2011


Thriller Soundtrack

We decided to use dark and intense sounds and beats to create our soundtrack, we wanted to create an effect so it made the audience feel tense, and maybe be able to relate this to the actual film for example things like 'jaws', the iconic sound of him coming. Which the audience can easily recognize. We hoped that our soundtrack would have a similar effect. Also being able to give an erie atmosphere, we also thought that it could be used for any kind of thriller for example, psychological because of the use of the piano, crime or action because of the percussion making it a little more upbeat and fast, like a chase scene, or even a political thriller because the sounds all added together make a good combination and could be used for political, because its got a range of high and low tones, also slow and fast paced sounds. We think our soundtrack is most like 'Catch me if you can' as its upbeat and fast in some parts and slower in others trying to show the character changing and running, and we think because of our soundtrack having fast and lively tones it makes it very similar.


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