Wednesday 19 January 2011

Analysis of sound in thriller opening sequences.

Catch me if you can:

Sound within Catch me if you can
From the beginning of Catch me if you can it uses a non-diegetic background track to introduce the genre of thriller. It is fast paced and lively, but also adds a hint of mystery, its also used to go together with the images on the screen which is ''cartoon like''. Towards the end of the title sequence a sound bridge is used to lead it into the opening scene. It also relates to the genre of its Sub-genre Crime thriller, its fast paced and jumpy like the usual convention of a Crime thriller. The idea is meant to show a man being chased so this ongoing non-diegetic soundtrack shows this, and also the add of the boom at the end of the title sequence adds to the effect.


Sound within Surface
The sound used within surface is tense, and there is a part which uses a women gasping, and fast paced cuts of radio/ tv static sounds (white noise), also an underlying faded mysterious non-diegetic soundtrack which gradually goes up and down throughout the opening sequence. There is an almost dark aura to represent its genre of a psychological thriller. There is also short small sounds of thumping, doors squeaking, screaming noises it adds to the thriller atmosphere of the genre.


Sound within Se7en
Se7en uses a non diegetic soundtrack to opening of the film, also harsh percussions to get a pulse raising atmosphere, aswell as using fades up and downs to add to the visuals at particular times of the title sequence, when there are visuals of the the photographs and writing there is a use of the tv static which seems to be commonly used in thriller film opening sequences to create tension and mystery. Also as these sounds are being played there is also a faded background track being played just softer and quieter then it started at the beginning of the sequence.

By Saffron Sam and Michael 

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