Wednesday 9 March 2011

Editing lesson 3

Monday 7th March

In this lesson we gained feedback from Amar leaving us with lots of better ideas, but alot more editing!
We had to rearrange the order of the clips to make it have a better ending, and also adding certain transitions to introduce the different parts of the thriller, also making the production name look more appealing and intresting.

First of all we decided rather then adding a background to the production name, we decided to make the text a typewriter, keeping constant with the rest of the text throughout the thriller, also adding a red shadow to the text making it more appealing.

We also added a fade in fade out making it introduce the thriller, and the narrative.
We cut and paste the clip of the eye to the end, and then made a short clip of total darkness just before it. Then using garage band we created a sound of a door closing and footsteps to create a better and tenser atmosphere.

Next lesson we will carry on to produce the underlying song of the whole thriller.

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